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Deep Breath & Flexible Spine

One to One Yoga & Swimming tuition

Meet Ayami

The meaning of practising yoga and exercising in the water

Hello, and how are you? Thanks for visiting my site.


So I’ll start with a question, “Why do I practice yoga daily?”


A lot of yoga practice has been focused on the “look” of bodies over the past few decades, especially in Western society. The trim, muscular, lean body is tightly squeezed into colourful leggings that enhance a “super body-conscious” effect with extra tone around the waist and triple volume on the buttocks.


But my personal take on physical practice has been a lot to do with supporting my mental health since a pretty young age. Studying the theory and philosophy of yoga alongside the physical practice helped to strengthen my psyche through some very difficult changes that have taken place in my life, especially over the last few years. Life does, after all, consist of relentless, continuous changes. We need to be able to feel each situation deeply to acknowledge its nature or its purpose, so we can accept it fully and act upon it healthily. In this way, we can continue to move on in time, and live and embrace every bit of life fully.


I provide one-to-one hatha based yoga practice and swimming tuition that are carefully tailored to each individual's unique body needs and goals. I have been a qualified swimming teacher since 2017 and completed my yoga certification in September 2018 at Kaivalyadhama ( a registered Trust established in 1924) at Lonavla, Maharashtra, India.


As well as yoga and swimming training, my background includes a Bachelors degree (BA Hons) in dance studies at Roehampton University in London, a Masters degree in Digital Documentary at University of Sussex. I am an independent video/filmmaker, and my themes centre around mind and body practice, mental health, and the theory of phenomenology. I want to capture and communicate the story of healing and the process of change in those people who are making a real shift in their lives in their own way. I also offer event documentation ( weddings, conferences etc ) through photography and videography.





Meet Ayami
Why Naturopathy

How is Movement Practice ( Yoga & Swimming) also Creative Inspiration?

It can spark and initiate ....

Tropical Leaves
Mental Health and A Healing Process

Yoga and swimming practice both incorporate conscious focus on breathing, so naturally, they both encourage the relaxation response of calming and restoration. In addition, when we engage in any type of bodily practice, our consciousness and awareness shifts to noticing our subtle bodily sensations and this internal change of focus offers a powerful and valuable break from the busy mind.

Follow these Links to see my creative vision


My IG page showcases mainly my photography and short videos with reflection on Mental Health and life in general, and the Vimeo site is there for someone who needs a little deeper emotional cave to dive in, hehe The links are there on the home page to click!

Engagement with Nature

We need fresh air to breathe while we are practising yoga or swimming, and clean water is crucial to hydrate and wash our bodies after our training. The best place to play and spend time with our body is also in mother nature. The more we become in tune with our bodies, the more our hearts long to connect with nature.

As our continuing practice gradually loosens off the muscles and connective tissues surrounding the bones and joints, our aches and pains start to fade. And just as our joints start to move more freely, so our hearts also become more open to being connected with others and this can help to combat social isolation.

Environmental Awareness

The more we connect with our bodies and are able to feel from our heart rather than our head, we have the capacity to care more for others and for all life. A climate crisis is upon us due to human negligence and a failure to act in ways that will sustain our planet. We need to change our behaviour and realise our interconnectedness with our environment, whether we like it or not, otherwise the planet and certainly life as we know it will soon be destroyed forever.



I can highly recommend Ayami. 

Working with her was a pleasure as she teaches with an enthusiasm and passion that is infectious! 

She took time to thouroughly research and understand my needs and designed a great one to one session to help me with my sciatica. 

The asanas were carefully chosen and gentle enough to do even with this very painful condition. 

In addition to this Ayami sent me some links for further reading and home care for my sciatica and taught me some excellent breathing techniques that gave me a deep sense relaxation.

— Sammi Wilson



One to One
Hatha Yoga Tutions £17 in Person or
£10 Online ( Block Booking Discounts Available )
One to One
Sea Swimming Tutions £20 per session ( up to 45min) or Five Block for £17, Ten for £16 
Filming & Editing of Video and Photography:

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Contact Info


0744 360 1374

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